Just Diamond. No Mining

Jul 12, 2015
Just Diamond. No Mining

The first decade of our three-decade master plan was about creating diamond overground without the social and ecological damage of mining and supplanting mined diamond wherever it has been able to go. 

Avoiding the vast human and environmental toll of mining means: No conflicts funded. No land displaced. No wildlife displaced. No animals harmed. No groundwater polluted. No local communities displaced.

Just Diamond 

Each diamond forms in the lab in its own way, with one-of-a-kind inclusions and distinctive growth patterns. No two diamonds are alike. Each is unique to the core.

Diamonds grown in a lab are authentic in every essential way:

"They are real diamonds. They have the same optical, chemical, thermal, and physical features."
Matthew Hall, Director, Gemological Institute of America (GIA).
"Man-made diamonds are diamonds."
Federal Trade Commission, August 2018.
"A diamond is a diamond is a diamond."
Israel "Izzy" Itzkowitz, inventor of the princess cut.
"Mined diamonds are a gift of nature, whereas man-made diamonds are a gift of human wisdom."
Shanghai Diamond Exchange's President Qiang Lin.

Real Zero Emissions

We are the world's first "real zero" carbon footprint producer of diamonds — and certified so. Our advanced technology notably uses less energy than mining them industrially. 

And the energy we use is good energy: Our diamond production is 100% powered by zero-emission energy. That's sustainably squared.

No Cartel Pricing

Our diamonds are priced based on the market, whereas mined diamond supply is an oligopoly using cartel pricing. Cartel pricing is why mined diamonds cost more and, in the past, could appear as a store of value.